电话:(217)784-2681 |
普通放射学(x线) |
We offer general radiography in two dedicated rooms. 随着数码技术的应用,我们可以即时获取图像并观看它们. 这使我们能够更有效地将信息传递给放射科医生(x光医生),并减少患者在x光室的时间. 一般的x光检查包括胸部x光、腹部x光、脊柱和四肢. Most exams are scheduled 我的星期五 from 8 AM - 5 PM and 8 AM - 12 PM on Sat. and are performed by licensed and registered radiologic technologists. 另外, 我们有技术人员在部门或24小时随叫随到的紧急检查, 一周7天. |
专业摄影 (Fluoro, IVP, 等.) |
We also offer many special radiography exams here at Gibson Area Hospital. These exams are performed using fluoroscopy and some type of “contrast.放射科医生(x光医生)将使用钡来观察肠道(UGI或结肠)。. 他也可以监督注射碘造影剂来观察泌尿系统(IVP)。, or inject joints such as the shoulder (arthrogram). These exams are scheduled in the mornings 我的.星期五. and are performed by licensed and registered technologists. 我们还有一台便携式荧光机,用于协助手术室的外科医生. |
乳房x光检查 |
我们很自豪能成为伊利诺伊州中部第一家提供数字乳房x光检查的机构之一. 我们不仅能快速获取图像,还能看到更好的细节. 预约时间为周一至周五上午8点至下午4点,周六上午8点至 中午, and are performed by licensed and registered technologists. 乳房x光检查 technologists go through specialized training and they, 作为我们的设备, are closely scrutinized by multiple governing agencies (MQSA, ACR & idn). |
骨密度测定(DEXA) |
DEXA exams are done to look for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the weakening of the bones in the body. Women are at highest risk for osteoporosis once they go through menopause. However, men can also develop osteoporosis. A DEXA exam is very quick and easy. You will lie on your back on a table that will scan your lower back & 你的一个臀部. 这些计算将由放射科医生评估(以及回顾你的病史)。 & a report will go to your health care provider. This report will have one of three possibilities – either you have osteoporosis, you have osteopenia (your at high risk for going into osteoporosis), 或者你没有骨质疏松症. 如果你有危险因素,比如更年期,大多数保险将每两年进行一次DEXA检查, 长期使用类固醇, 身材缩短, 等. DEXA’s are generally scheduled in the afternoons 我的day through Friday, but morning appointments can be made also. |
超声波 |
超声波是一种专门的检查,它使用高频(超)声波来观察内部器官和血管. The ultrasound department includes both a general and a vascular room. The general ultrasound room is equipped with a GE logiq 7 ultrasound unit. 一般检查包括:腹部、骨盆、产科、甲状腺和其他小部位. The vascular ultrasound room is equipped with a GE Vivid 7 ultrasound unit. 血管检查包括:超声心动图,动脉和静脉手臂和腿,颈动脉和主动脉. Our ultrasound technologists have significant training and experience. 超声波 exams are scheduled 我的day through Friday 7 AM to 4 PM. |
核磁共振成像 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) |
核磁共振成像 and MRA exams are very detailed images of the body. 核磁共振成像(MRA)聚焦于身体的血流区域,而核磁共振成像(核磁共振成像)对身体的所有部位都有用. 这些测试是通过将患者推进一个装有强大磁铁的管状机器来完成的. Radio waves are then sent to “excite” the cells of the body. The information acquired as the cells relax is then translated into an image. |
计算机断层扫描 |
CT扫描是在CT设备上进行的专门的x射线检查(也称为Cat扫描)。. CT units consist of a table that you lay on & a big donut shaped “gantry” that contains the x-ray tube & 探测器. 当桌子把你移动到龙门架上时,管子在你的身体周围旋转(在龙门架里——你不会看到它在移动). 从龙门架内的探测器收集的信息被翻译成图像,即信息的“切片”. Each picture gives a “cross-sectional” view of the inside of the body. CT扫描是对身体的所有部位进行的,从头部一直到脚. There are many things that you might be asked to do to get ready for a CT scan, you might have to drink some very thin barium. 你也可能需要进行静脉注射,以便在CT扫描时给你注射一些药物(造影剂). Every CT scan is individually tailored to the patient that is getting the scan. CT technologists have had specialized additional training in CT. All CT technologists are registered and licensed radiology technologists. CT exams are scheduled 我的day through Friday 7 AM to 3 PM. 此外,有 is a CT technologists on call for emergent exams 24 hours a day, 一周7天. |
核医学 |
核医学是医学和医学成像的一个分支,它使用放射性物质进行诊断和治疗. 这些物质由放射性核素或标有标签的药物组成. 在诊断, 给病人注射放射性物质,并测量放射量. 这些诊断测试大多涉及使用伽玛相机形成图像.